Friday, 29 November 2019

Getting a Grip on Your Various Gifts

Now that the holidays are just around the corner, we’ve all likely started to think about what we’ll be getting our loved ones. But sometimes, the one thing we end up buying doesn’t seem like it’s enough. Or we’re at a total loss as to what seems appropriate for our distant family members. (And this is a big problem for anyone out there who has distant family whom they don’t see too often.)

Luckily, gift boxes are a staple for these situations. There’s not many people out there who won’t enjoy a gift or two from family across the States, even if they are cranky or seemingly antisocial. A gift from someone can entirely change the perspective that people have on one another. This is especially the case for those who are misers or grumps that don’t attempt to see the humanity in others.

What helps to make these gifts even better is throwing in a little bit of presentation to raise the face value of the gift. At the very least, spicing up the packaging and shipping supplies used will show that you put forth effort in making it look nice, and your recipient will appreciate the effort. I mean, who actually nitpicks great craftsmanship (or just care and effort in general)? Because of this, I felt it appropriate to write up a piece on the basic supplies you can choose to go with whenever you’re attempting to send a little thank you or gift of love to distant family.

Not sure how to make a gift look great? Read on!

Gift stacking.
Actually, this method is rather uncommon for most, but stacking one gift on top of another item means some grandiose preparation and presentation that is hard to beat for most. Packing multiple things together creates a sense of value in one gift that you’ll be hard pressed to find elsewhere, so the extra little gifts you’ve included on top really help to set your gift apart from the rest.

Bows & ribbons.
If you want to take your gift wrapping to the next level, look no further than bows and ribbons. Even though this may seem rather minimal in that you’re taking two strands of ribbon to wrap around the box each way to make a crossing pattern, it’s worth noting that this looks amazing for such little effort involved. Slapping a nice bow on top of the crossed ribbons is perfect and shows it’s a gift ready to be given. You’ve never used shipping supplies more sufficiently than this! No one will be able to believe you did it all for free.

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